Legal Notices


Corporate name: EUROGERM SAS
Legal status: SAS
Establishment or head office address: Parc d’activités bois Guillaume - 2 rue champ doré - 21850 SAINT-APOLLINAIRE - FRANCE
Email address:
Telephone number: +33 (0)3 80 730 777
Paid up share capital: 431 502.10 EUROS‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬
Business identification number (SIRET): N°349 927 012 00030
Entry number in the business and companies register: DIJON B 349 927 012
Intracommunity VAT number: FR 03 349 927 012


Manager in charge of the publication: Emmanuelle DEROSSI
Site hosted at: GOOGLE
Site development: EcloLINK


1. Cookies policy

For the requirements of statistics and to deliver advertisements, the present site uses cookies. 

These are small pieces of text kept in your hard file in order to store technical data as you navigate the site. Certain parts of this site cannot be function properly without acceptance of cookies.

2. How we use cookies

We use cookies for Google Analytics. The data and the statistics that we collect by means of these cookies are used for the sole and exclusive purpose of improving the quality of our services. Google Analytics is used anonymously in order to improve the user experience on our website and to make it easier for you to navigate our site. This data is not passed to any third party whatsoever.

3. What are your choices regarding cookies

At any time you can choose to delete or modify your preferences as regards cookies, though the means described below. You can configure your web browser in such a way that cookies are saved on your device or, on the other hand, are rejected, either systematically or depending on where they have come from. You can equally configure your web browser in such a way that you receive on each occasion a request to either accept or refuse cookies, and this before a cookie is likely to be saved onto your device. For more information, please see the section “How to exercise your choices, according to the web browser that you use?”

3.1 Accepting cookies

Saving a cookie on a device is subject to the wishes of the user and can be deleted and modified at any time freely through the choices offered in their web browser. If you have accepted to save cookies in the web browser on your device, the cookies embedded in the pages and within them that you have consulted can be stored temporarily in a personal space on your device. There they will only be legible to their issuer.

3.2 Refusing cookies

If you reject the saving of cookies on your device, or you cancel those that have been saved, you possibly will not be able to take advantage of a certain number of features. Such would equally be the case since we – or our service providers -would not be able to recognise, for the purposes of technical compatibility, what browser you use in your device, the language and display settings or the country where your device appears to be connected to the Internet. If so, we decline any responsibility for any consequences arising from the reduced operational functionality of our services resulting from it being impossible to save or consult the cookies necessary for functionality and which you might have rejected or cancelled.

3.3 How do you exercise your choice according to the browser that you are using?

For the management of cookies and of your choices, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the help menu in your browser, which will let you know how you can modify your wishes in terms of cookies. 

We invite you to click on the name of your browser in order to access the corresponding help menu.
For Internet Explorer
For Safari
For Chrome
For Firefox
For Opera

You can also set your browser so that it sends an indicative code to the Websites that you do not wish to be tracked (option « Do No Track »).

We invite you to click on the name of your browser in order to access the corresponding help menu:
For Internet Explorer
For Safari
For Chrome
For Firefox
For Opera

Personal data and confidentiality policy

1. Storage and use of your personal data

The information gathered via the form on this website are saved in a date file by EcloLINK for EUROGERM SAS to communicate information linked to the brand and to the EUROGERM SAS services.

They are stored for 1 year and are only for commercial use by the EUROGERM SAS company. They will not be passed to a third party.

In accordance with the law on « data processing and civil liberties », you can exercise your right to access data concerning you and to have this rectified by contacting or by post to the following address: Parc d’activités bois Guillaume – 2 rue champ doré – 21850 SAINT-APOLLINAIRE – France.

2. Consent and handling of your personal data

By clicking on the obligatory box before submitting each form on the site (« I authorise  EUROGERM SAS to contact me personally concerning their services for developing my business. »), you give explicit authorisation for your data to be stored and handled with the aim of letting your know more about our services. You authorise:

  • That a EUROGERM advisor may contact for the purpose of commercial relations
  • That the marketing department may send you personalised information regarding our services

A tip: you do not wish to give your consent? Call us directly on +33 (0)3 80 730 777. We will reply to your questions on the telephone.

3. Withdrawing consent regarding your personal data

You have the right to have access, to modify and/or to cancel the data concerning yourself at any time by contacting our IT department

By email:
By post to the following address: Parc d’activités bois Guillaume – 2 rue champ doré – 21850 SAINT-APOLLINAIRE – France.
Accompanied by a copy of your proof of identity. Ideally, by registered post with proof of delivery.

The person responsible for the file has a maximum of 2 months to reply from the date of the request, whether made by post or by email.  The Information Technology and Freedoms Commission (CNIL) says: “If the request is incomplete (for example the proof of identity is not enclosed), the person responsible for the file has the right to request additional information: this is therefore put on hold and recommences once the details are provided”

The limits on the right of access are shown in detail on the CNIL site and can be viewed by clicking here.